

An FDA-approved injectable treatment, Kybella targets and eliminates fat cells beneath the chin, commonly called a “double chin.” This non-surgical procedure utilizes a synthetic form of this naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid, which helps break down fat and absorb it. As a result of Kybella being injected under the chin, fat cells are destroyed, resulting in a very noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin.

Ideal for individuals seeking a sleeker, more defined chin profile without undergoing surgery, Kybella offers a minimally invasive solution. Typically, visible results are observed after 2 to 4 treatment sessions spaced a month apart. The results are long-lasting once the desired outcome is achieved, as the treated fat cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. Ready to redefine your chin and boost your confidence? Book your Kybella appointment at Dermalign Medical Aesthetics today!

Benefits of Kybella

Before and After


Individuals with moderate to severe fat under the chin who prefer a non-surgical solution are ideal candidates for Kybella. Additionally, those looking for a treatment with lasting results and minimal downtime will find Kybella a suitable option.
Most patients observe visible results after 2 to 4 treatment sessions, with sessions spaced a month apart.
The results are long-lasting once the desired outcome is achieved since the treated fat cells are permanently destroyed and cannot store fat.
Some patients might experience swelling, bruising, or numbness under the chin, but these side effects are typically temporary and resolve independently.
Before the treatment, avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs or blood thinners. After the treatment, avoiding strenuous activities for 24 hours and following any post-care instructions provided by Dermalign Medical Aesthetics are essential.
During the treatment, small injections will be administered under the chin. The procedure is relatively quick, and while some discomfort may be felt, it’s generally well-tolerated by patients.


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