

At DermAlign Medical Aesthetics, we uphold the belief that sexual fulfillment and health are vital components of overall well-being. It is with this conviction that we have dedicated the necessary time, training, and resources to enhance the sexual gratification of our female clientele. Sexual dysfunction in women is a prevalent and pressing concern, significantly diminishing sexual sensation, desire, and the ability to achieve pleasure, thereby impacting their personal lives, health, and emotional state. With 40% of women experiencing sexual dysfunction to the extent of severe psychological distress, it’s concerning that so few discuss this with their healthcare providers.

The procedure is a quick, 20-minute in-office treatment.

A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm—no more than what is typically taken during a routine blood test—and is then spun in a specialized centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Growth factors are abundant in PRP, as are signaling proteins.

Following the application of a local anesthetic cream to numb the vaginal area, the PRP is then injected with a fine needle into two specific areas without discomfort. The O-Shot is a PRP-based injection designed to enhance sexual arousal and address various symptoms of female sexual dysfunction. It leverages the healing properties of PRP, utilizing the body’s platelets to promote healing. The O-Shot harnesses these growth factors to combat sexual dysfunction and also addresses urinary incontinence, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, challenges in achieving orgasm, and Lichen Sclerosus.

The O-Shot may be suitable for females who experience:

At DermAlign Medical Aesthetics, we aim to alleviate these concerns with the O-Shot procedure, also known as the Orgasm Shot. By injecting PRP into the vaginal and clitoral areas, patients may notice an enhancement in sexual pleasure, revitalizing their sexual experiences.

The Benefits of the O-Shot for Female Sexual Dysfunction:

Overall, the O-Shot can enrich your sexual experiences through increased blood flow and increased sensitivity to sexual stimulation.


Women experiencing sexual dysfunction, decreased sensitivity, or urinary incontinence are ideal candidates for the O-Shot.

Some patients may notice immediate effects post-injection. The full benefits of the O-Shot are typically realized within three months.
If the desired outcome is not achieved after ten weeks, the procedure may be repeated at intervals of 10 weeks until satisfaction is met.

The lasting impact of the O-Shot can vary, ranging from 12 to 28 months, depending on individual factors.
The O-Shot procedure has minimal downtime, and side effects are rare. Some patients might experience temporary swelling or redness at the injection site.

Before the treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications. It is suggested that you abstain from all sexual activities after the treatment to allow the treated area to heal correctly.

Blood is drawn from the patient, analyzed to extract growth factors, and injected into specific areas. The process is quick and is performed with utmost care to ensure comfort.

What This Means for Our Patients:

You can be confident that your O-Shot procedure at DermAlign Medical Aesthetics is performed safely, using only FDA-approved PRP kits by a highly skilled provider. Our provider has undergone extensive training to perform the O-Shot, as mandated by the trademark’s creator, Dr. Charles Runels. Only providers in the official directory can use the O-Shot trademark, ensuring a legitimate and approved treatment.


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