Vampire Facial

Vampire Facial

The Vampire Facial® is a procedure that utilizes your biological material to enhance cell regeneration and foster anti-aging effects potentially. Initially, a small amount of blood is drawn from you and then processed in a centrifuge to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This plasma is rich in cells that can boost collagen production and skin tissue growth, and it may be applied to the skin directly or infused back into the facial tissue through a method involving fine needles. The entire process is relatively quick, taking about 30 minutes. The Vampire Facial® employs PRP, a regenerative technology that uses your body’s natural chemistry. Combined with some calcium, it transforms into a Platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM). The eight growth factors released from the platelets inherently understand how to rejuvenate and fortify the tissues where they are applied. To harness this potent element, your blood is drawn (similar to a standard blood test), and then the platelets are separated to create PRP using a centrifuge. Only the PRP and growth factors are utilized in the procedure.

A micro-needling device is used to prompt the production of collagen and elastin, contributing to smoother and clearer skin. After creating tiny punctures with the micro-needling device, the practitioner applies the PRP to the skin. This device helps the growth factors penetrate the skin, encouraging the tightening and renewal of facial collagen. This process also enhances the absorption of the serum. If you’re ready to experience the next level of skin rejuvenation, book your appointment with Dermalign Medical Aesthetics today.

Benefits of Vampire Facial®:


Anyone seeking to improve skin texture, tone, and overall appearance without synthetic fillers or surgeries is a potential candidate for the Vampire Facial.
While some immediate improvement might be noticeable, the full effects typically manifest within a few weeks, peaking at around three months.
The results can last several months, with many patients experiencing the benefits for up to a year or more.
There might be some redness or minor swelling after the treatment, but it usually goes away after a day or two. It’s essential to follow post-treatment care instructions to ensure optimal results.
Don’t expose yourself to excessive sunlight before the treatment; don’t take certain medications that might increase bleeding. After the treatment, clean the skin, avoid direct sunlight, and use good sunscreen.
During the treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn, processed to extract PRP, and then micro-needled back into the skin. The procedure is relatively painless, with a numbing cream to ensure comfort.

Choosing a Qualified Vampire Facial® Provider

It’s crucial to select a qualified provider for your Vampire Facial®. Our provider is certified by Dr. Charles Runels, the creator of the Vampire Facial®, ensuring that the procedure is performed accurately and safely. This certification means that patients can be confident they receive the Vampire Facial® using only FDA-approved PRP kits and that the provider has undergone thorough hands-on training. Our provider is recognized in the official directory as an authorized Vampire Facial® practitioner. To legally offer and conduct the Vampire Facial® under its registered trademark, a provider must have comprehensive training and be listed in the approved directory of providers.


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