Vampire Winglift

Vampire Winglift

At DermAlign Medical Aesthetics, we prioritize delivering an unparalleled experience tailored to our patient’s unique needs, particularly for those seeking enhancements in delicate areas such as the vagina. Our skilled professionals, equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, offer safe and effective vaginal rejuvenation services, including the Vampire WingLift®, ensuring ease and comfort throughout the process.
The Vampire WingLift® is designed to revitalize the vaginal skin and tissues, focusing primarily on the labia, which is the most externally noticeable part of the vagina. Aging, lifestyle habits, and childbirth can lead to atrophy and alter its appearance. The Vampire WingLift® aims to rejuvenate the labial skin, enhancing elasticity and overall aesthetics without resorting to surgical methods. Interested in understanding the vampire wing lift or exploring other benefits of Vampire PRP treatments? DermAlign Medical Aesthetics is ready to provide all the information you need. Contact us to schedule your consultation today.

Benefits of Vampire WingLift®:


Most individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their bikini area, combat sagging skin, or reduce wrinkles are suitable candidates for the Vampire WingLift®.
It takes a few weeks for results to become apparent, with optimal outcomes emerging after a few months.

The effects can last several months to a year, depending on individual factors such as skin type and age.

No downtime is expected after the procedure, which is minimally invasive. Some patients might experience minor swelling or redness, which usually subsides within a day or two.
You should avoid excessive sun exposure before the treatment and take certain medications as your practitioner advises. After the procedure, follow the aftercare instructions, which may include keeping the area clean and avoiding strenuous activities for a short period.
A small amount of blood is taken from the patient’s blood, processed to extract growth factors, and injected into the target area. The process is quick, with minimal discomfort, and is performed under local anesthesia.
Our Vampire WingLift® procedures are conducted with meticulous attention to detail and care, ensuring you achieve your desired outcomes without compromising comfort. Our team’s expertise and extensive experience in these treatments mean you can trust you’re in capable hands. Selecting a qualified provider for your WingLift® is crucial. Our providers are not only highly skilled and trained but also certified in administering Vampire PRP treatments, guaranteeing the highest standard of care.

What This Means for Our Patients:

You can be confident that your WingLift® will be performed safely, utilizing only FDA-approved PRP kits by our adept provider. Our provider has undergone rigorous, hands-on training to execute the WingLift® proficiently and is recognized in the official directory as an authorized provider. This procedure, a registered trademark developed by the esteemed Dr. Charles Runels, requires specific training and directory listing for legal marketing and performance under its trademarked name. With our comprehensive training and experience, you can be assured of receiving top-tier care.


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